Taxes. No longer will you need to try and calculate taxes to find out how much something costs. In combination with rounding the numbers out, this will create much more transparent costs, which I think will help everybody.

$3 - Economy. Sometimes websites go on standby – or the budget just isn’t there for 99.9%+ reliability, so where the Economy plan comes in, that’s still managed. Sadly, though we really wanted to create this at the cost of a toonie, it just isn’t feasible at this time.

$8 - Standard. This is really the ideal plan for everybody. It includes a 99.9% SLA, has fast and hand-tested updates, (not scripted ones), and all sorts of other features.

$36 – Premium. Do you have a website you rely upon? This plan has a 99.95% SLA, priority 24/7 support and more frequent backups. You’re front of the line.

There’s more to come, right now the server infrastructure is in Quebec, but we’re currently testing for a release of infrastructure on the west coast too in British Columbia, which should slightly increase response times across the board.

What does this mean to you?

All customers on the Extended plan will end up on the Standard Plan and will see their costs drop in half. Most others will see modest ($10) cost savings. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Thursday, February 2, 2017

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